The fall guy streaming
The fall guy streaming

the fall guy streaming

Plus this way you won’t need to invent a reason for being late. Chloe’ll be much more upset if I show up without you than if you show up without me.” You need to open up the house, deal with the pool. I’ll get the train down and you can drive on up and meet Chloe. “I can get the train from Harriman and catch the late bus up to Aurelia.” She’ll be deeply pissed and I won’t be able to explain why it happened without ruining the surprise.” Chloe doesn’t like being there alone at night. The plan had been to rendezvous at the Millstream Inn in Aurelia for a late dinner before going on to the house. It’s our tenth.”Ĭhloe had left that morning to drop off their daughter, Lily, at music camp in Connecticut before heading back west into New York State to meet Charlie and Matthew. Twenty minutes later, Charlie slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder. “Maybe it’s just a phantom version of the feeling.” “But I’m not getting a fix on what it is.” “You know that feeling when you’ve forgotten something?” As they passed the Suffern exit Charlie motioned with his hand that he wanted the music turned back down. They drove down the Palisades and onto the Thruway. Matthew glanced over to see if his cousin was joking, but he didn’t appear to be. Oi! I said Oi! What you looking at you little rich boy? Hard beats and aggressive voices replaced the rippling piano. “Actually, could you find something by Plan B?” Matthew had thought they might talk, but did as his cousin asked, selecting Gieseking’s Debussy on the iPod. “Why don’t you find some music?” Charlie said. Matthew shrugged: Charlie was paying, after all.Ī few minutes later they were crossing the George Washington Bridge. “Best thing on earth for late-night munchies…” At the last minute Charlie threw in some tins of Osetra caviar. In Harlem they exited to stock up at Fairway, filling a cart with cheeses, olives, artichokes, caper berries. Not that Charlie noticed, of course, Matthew observed to himself Charlie would never deign to notice such a trivial piece of luck.

the fall guy streaming

All the way through Midtown the lights cooperated with his progress, spreading green welcomes as if waving some dignitary through checkpoints. They took the tunnel out of Brooklyn and headed up the West Side Highway, Charlie slowing the heavy vehicle at every intersection to avoid the speed cameras and accelerating hard for the next stretch. It was a humid evening, and by the time they were done his shirt was soaked in sweat. Matthew, trundling his suitcase from the subway, arrived at Charlie’s house in Cobble Hill at seven and helped load Charlie’s bags into the back of the Lexus. They’d arranged to leave late so as to avoid the traffic.

The fall guy streaming